Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Anatomy Hall

ok guys ,today come to serious stuff... in the medical field ,the 1st thing u need to know is the anatomy of human body .how is it look like in a normal person ? why this bones ,muscles,veins and blah blah have to be created in this way?
once u knew all the basic.. then u will further to the pathology.. what is the causes of this particular diseases or sickness..
The 1st pic from the right top is the anatomy museum in manipal... it is a top ranking anatomy museum in the world.. Everyday i have to spent
around 1 hour in there,to visualize the structure from the book.. because due to my bad English base and full of the medical names in the book
make my head burst....
in the museum, they had dissected and formated
every part of real human body in all the small
basically,in the museum has everything, from fetus
to old man.. from cells to organs..
a lot to observe and study..

the only shock i hav was the human life here is
much cheaper that a man made product..
For examples: i am going to buy a half set of human bones.. the real bones cause me around
Rps 1600 (Rm 125++) and if i wan to buy a plastic or fiber glass bone cost me at least
Rps 6000 ( Rm 500).. CRAZY... siao siao..
even in the construction site.. women will carry the bricks one by one from ground to 4th floor..
they dun hav the technology to do it ,actually they dun wan it becoz the labour here is so damn cheap.. imagine u work for 10 hours a day only for Rps 30 ( Rm 5 ) ... is really sad... the ppl here will call us BOSS... and serve u like a king ... sometimes is really bad to see them like that.. juz working for a meal,no more ... sad sad sad...

Anyway, come back ... that their probs and i cant do anything on it...
ok.. the next pic is my anatomy lab that i hav to go for 4 days per week,each time 2 hours... the 1st time i went in the lab.. i am still thinking am i going to see the cadavars( dead body) today.. i am only the 1st year student.. then 5 min later ,the lab assistance push a body which cover with white cloth to my group table... the SMELL.,woa... it burn yr nose and swell yr eyes... due to the formalin... yes is a real and new cadavars... the 1st lesson is juz look at the cadavars and the lecturer tell us how they get the cadavars and how they formated him.. then is the time for us to touch.... i not dare to use my bare hand so i wear my gloves and touch... the body is cold and hard, beside that is juz like a normal human body... my group cadavar is number 134 ,is a old man .. there is 6 cadavars for our batch, 5 males and 1 female. The female is dead of breast cancer because one of her breast was been cut away..
After so many classes has been done . now most of us starting use bare hand to touch the muscle and digging for the nerves ,arteries and veins..
we hav to noe all the names for every part of muscles,arteries,veins and nerves... my head is loaded will full of this long and unfamiliar terms... ok i think that all bout my anatomy lec here d...
hope u guys wont scare to hold my hand next time...hahaha...


panghan7 said...

FU-YOH!!!!!!!!!Damn friggin COOL DUDE!!!!!!OMG OMG OMG!!!!!

Hahahahahahahaha,so fast u all touch bodies already?Good good,kakaka....Anyway,its much much more interesting there compare to what i have thought of!Its GREAT!

Bout that labour thinggy,dun worry la,if so,u can collect lots and lots and lots of konco there,wakakakaka,actually its kind of pityful but its their 'norm' already...

Til then,great blog!Its NOT dead the first place,keep it up bro! ^^

p/s:Put a chatbox la.......................

Eugene T. said...

nice, you get to play with a dead body already. plus, you get seats shaped like toilet bowl..sure those things can support you ar?? ;)

Hiratoshi Lau said...

cute metaphores... dude... maybe u in city of the dead... of som many dead bodies... maybe got burial grounds nearby so they jus pick smtg up n throw it to u. Kill off any shamans or necros jus in case some family member there got pissed off when u start "playing" wif their dead relatives... lolz