Saturday, June 16, 2007

Examssss>>>>>> chinese foods

After 10 weeks of theory lec and hardcore study study...the time has come to test whether we are a clever ,average or ... batch... as u can see,the examination hall is like a normal conferences hall wif no air-con but many fan which make u sleepy in the hot sweaty afternoon...
this is my our 1st smes exam and everyone including me were so so stress.. not like last time like in college... before exams we still can play around and talking someone will taking some jokes(who thats... Mr G).. haiz too bad .. no one do this here... maybe i will start it ..hahha... too stressful....

this is our library,the place that i spend alot of time before this... but then now ,due to the stuffiness and the ppl annoying whispering around... make me cant 'TAHAN'...
now ,since i was staying in a single room .. juz stay in my room and study la ...
yeah,after 1 week of hardwork... exams over.. time for relax... me a group of course mate... take a 2 hours cab to a nearest city for Spiderman 3.. eating their masala popcorn...ierr... they will stop halfway of the movie for u to go to toilet and but more masala popcorn.. and then continue... damn...
and after so so many months of indian food .. we came to a famous CHINESE restaurant recomended by seniors.. Chinese food here i come..... i wan to eat every dish in yr shop... juz bring wat u can cook ,juz bring out.. that wat we told the boss and that meal 8 of us eaten 25 dishes... wontons,toufu,roast pork..... many many... yumyum..

btw,the result will be coming out very soon... i hope was not as bad as i tot ... haha...

Monday, April 30, 2007

End Point and beyond

End Point was end of manipal and it was a place for us the stress medical student to de-stress our overloaded mind or juz a beautiful place for a couple to dating there...
it was a nice and cooling place... top of the hill ,end of manipal...
but then ,i always go beyond the end point .. go down to the river and it was another nice place to discover...
anyway,was juz about 3km from my hostel.. so juz jog wif friend there for destress..

Monday, April 16, 2007

At last the rain come...

hey, juz finished my class test and now is the time for me to blogging . not about the test but the rain... yesterday (sat) ,i was cracking my head wif my biochemistry book... enzymes and amino acids... really complicated and keep memorizing the name and chemical reaction.. Suddenly the library become very noisy ,someone creaming and woo-ing.. in my heart ,thinking must be some stupid american indian playing down there.. but then suddenly so many ppl rush out to the door.. scare me ,i tot was a terro or emergency or blah blah.. faster pack my stuff and ready to run ... then my friend told me out there was a sand storm... very strong... Woa sand storm 1st time in my life .. me kepo and go and join the fun outside ... the storm was so so strong ... i might can blow me away man... all of the pots and trees branches start falling... the storm last for 10+ min .. it whole place become so so dusty and dirty.. after than,it start rain .. few of us was so so happy... india at last rain d... me the "suaku" guy so out and play in the rain... and i deserve a cold... so i am partially flu and sick... but then was really fun... hahahhahaa... no worries i am feeling much better now... because the med is damn cheap here.. so anyone need to buy med u can tell me .. is so so cheap...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Anatomy Hall

ok guys ,today come to serious stuff... in the medical field ,the 1st thing u need to know is the anatomy of human body .how is it look like in a normal person ? why this bones ,muscles,veins and blah blah have to be created in this way?
once u knew all the basic.. then u will further to the pathology.. what is the causes of this particular diseases or sickness..
The 1st pic from the right top is the anatomy museum in manipal... it is a top ranking anatomy museum in the world.. Everyday i have to spent
around 1 hour in there,to visualize the structure from the book.. because due to my bad English base and full of the medical names in the book
make my head burst....
in the museum, they had dissected and formated
every part of real human body in all the small
basically,in the museum has everything, from fetus
to old man.. from cells to organs..
a lot to observe and study..

the only shock i hav was the human life here is
much cheaper that a man made product..
For examples: i am going to buy a half set of human bones.. the real bones cause me around
Rps 1600 (Rm 125++) and if i wan to buy a plastic or fiber glass bone cost me at least
Rps 6000 ( Rm 500).. CRAZY... siao siao..
even in the construction site.. women will carry the bricks one by one from ground to 4th floor..
they dun hav the technology to do it ,actually they dun wan it becoz the labour here is so damn cheap.. imagine u work for 10 hours a day only for Rps 30 ( Rm 5 ) ... is really sad... the ppl here will call us BOSS... and serve u like a king ... sometimes is really bad to see them like that.. juz working for a meal,no more ... sad sad sad...

Anyway, come back ... that their probs and i cant do anything on it...
ok.. the next pic is my anatomy lab that i hav to go for 4 days per week,each time 2 hours... the 1st time i went in the lab.. i am still thinking am i going to see the cadavars( dead body) today.. i am only the 1st year student.. then 5 min later ,the lab assistance push a body which cover with white cloth to my group table... the SMELL.,woa... it burn yr nose and swell yr eyes... due to the formalin... yes is a real and new cadavars... the 1st lesson is juz look at the cadavars and the lecturer tell us how they get the cadavars and how they formated him.. then is the time for us to touch.... i not dare to use my bare hand so i wear my gloves and touch... the body is cold and hard, beside that is juz like a normal human body... my group cadavar is number 134 ,is a old man .. there is 6 cadavars for our batch, 5 males and 1 female. The female is dead of breast cancer because one of her breast was been cut away..
After so many classes has been done . now most of us starting use bare hand to touch the muscle and digging for the nerves ,arteries and veins..
we hav to noe all the names for every part of muscles,arteries,veins and nerves... my head is loaded will full of this long and unfamiliar terms... ok i think that all bout my anatomy lec here d...
hope u guys wont scare to hold my hand next time...hahaha...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The indian food in india

hey,guys my last post is about the journey of reaching to India.. this time i wan to talk about the food here..As u noe indian food will mix a lot of spices together and eat it.. yeah.. since i was here i experienced it everyday .. the food here is very cheap ,tasty, and serve in LARGE portion...
Craze... most of the meal here cost me around Rm3 to5.. is almost same like malaysia.. but then the food here is more huge than malaysia.. i wonder maybe they r trained to eat a lot ... haha..
the toseh here called dosa, and blah blah.. i forget most of ot d... normally i will see the pic.. see which look more tastier or special and order.. normally the waiter here noe nothing about what they serving.. the only thing they will tell u
is all the food is the same u want wif gravy or
dry + shaking their head non stop.. that all. that why sometimes is better to juz
try and error...
they mostly eat vege more than meat.. the most is
chicken and mutton...a small piece wif full of rice..
their rice here is different from our rice that we ate.
their rice is long and slim in size.. good for cooking
fried rice... will never still together...
normally their food is adding at least 3 type of gravy
and sometimes wif yogurt together... and campur campur...
MAKAN.. wif hand...
there is plenty of chinese food here but as i said their
chinese food are almost the same wif their indian food..
i juz found out 1 purely chinese food stall which open by a
china old lady but then was closed up lioa last few days.. sad....
ok la ... gtg for dinner wif my UNi mate d...

Monday, March 19, 2007

My good and lovely college classmate came to send me off at KLIA.. feeding me MD ice-cream.. haha. hey guys i am eating ice cream almost everyday after my dinner u noe.. seriously the foods here is so so nice and is so damn cheap.... heheh
we juz reach india ,Bangalore International Airport.. it is around 12am indian time. they are loading our heavy laguages and there going to send it to manipal for us..
we juz arrived Mangalore in the morning... on my way to the bus which bringing us to manipal..
it is a beautiful bridge which i saw during my journey to manipal
finally ,i reach my campus,manipal.. it is a office+ library..

ok ,it is part of my adventures in india.. i will upload more pic next time ... c ya