Saturday, June 16, 2007

Examssss>>>>>> chinese foods

After 10 weeks of theory lec and hardcore study study...the time has come to test whether we are a clever ,average or ... batch... as u can see,the examination hall is like a normal conferences hall wif no air-con but many fan which make u sleepy in the hot sweaty afternoon...
this is my our 1st smes exam and everyone including me were so so stress.. not like last time like in college... before exams we still can play around and talking someone will taking some jokes(who thats... Mr G).. haiz too bad .. no one do this here... maybe i will start it ..hahha... too stressful....

this is our library,the place that i spend alot of time before this... but then now ,due to the stuffiness and the ppl annoying whispering around... make me cant 'TAHAN'...
now ,since i was staying in a single room .. juz stay in my room and study la ...
yeah,after 1 week of hardwork... exams over.. time for relax... me a group of course mate... take a 2 hours cab to a nearest city for Spiderman 3.. eating their masala popcorn...ierr... they will stop halfway of the movie for u to go to toilet and but more masala popcorn.. and then continue... damn...
and after so so many months of indian food .. we came to a famous CHINESE restaurant recomended by seniors.. Chinese food here i come..... i wan to eat every dish in yr shop... juz bring wat u can cook ,juz bring out.. that wat we told the boss and that meal 8 of us eaten 25 dishes... wontons,toufu,roast pork..... many many... yumyum..

btw,the result will be coming out very soon... i hope was not as bad as i tot ... haha...


Unknown said...

Hi Soon Sin,

Finally saw your blog updated. Do share with us your result huh. All the best to you. Do enjoy your study life there.

CH Wong

panghan7 said...

Hahaha,referring to last post,i din notice that error that seok posted,cause too concentrate on the word 'find',hahaha,sorry sorry,so actually my english is worse then seok,kaka...

Anyway,i know its stressful studying in india,*someone* said it too~The *someone* i msg u the name d,hahaha...

But nvm la,if stressful,let me know,i msg u lame jokes,wakakaka,just dun crazy study there eh~

Take k bro ^^

SilverIsle said...

Haiyor. Spend a little time to update lar brother. Your blog is not counted as an entry in my contest you know. =(

SilverIsle said...

Hey hey. Thanks for your support in my Pimp contest. You can now take down the icon. Hehe. Thanks very much again!